Traffic Map
Morning Drop Off
If you have EES students ONLY (white lines on map)
Turn into the first entrance and stay in the far-left lane. You will merge with the EES & NMS line at the EES marque to drop your student off. You will exit onto HWY 321 beside Central United Methodist Church.
If you have BOTH NMS AND EATON students (red lines on map)
Turn into the first entrance and stay in the far-right lane. This will bring you up to the NMS sidewalk where you will drop off your NMS student. You will then loop around to the left to go to Eaton and drop off your Eaton student and then exit onto HWY 321 beside Central United Methodist Church.
Afternoon Pick-Up
If you have EES students ONLY (yellow lines on map)
Turn into the 2nd entrance. Go around the back of NMS. When you approach the front of NMS a EES staff member will be waiting to read your car tag so your child can be called. You will then proceed to EES to pick up your child. You will exit onto HWY 321 beside Central United Methodist Church.
If you have BOTH NMS and Eaton students (white line on map)
Turn into the first entrance. Stay in the left-hand lane. Come all the way up to NMS to pick up your students. You will then make a turn toward EES and merge into the EES pick-up line to pick up your elementary students.