Principal's Message

Kayla Vaughn

North Middle School

Kayla Vaughn, Principal
Email Kayla Vaughn
421 Hickory Creek Road
Lenoir City, TN  37771
Phone: (865) 986-9944
FAX:(865) 988-9089

Jessica Gerstenmaier

North Middle School

Jessica Gerstenmaier, Assistant Principal
Email Jessica Gerstenmaier
421 Hickory Creek Road
Lenoir City, TN  37771
Phone: (865) 986-9944
FAX:(865) 988-9089

Bobby Amburn

North Middle School

Bobby Amburn, Assistant Principal
Email Bobby Amburn
421 Hickory Creek Road
Lenoir City, TN  37771
Phone: (865) 986-9944
FAX: (865) 988-9089

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians, and Families,

We are excited to welcome you to North Middle School!  Home of the NMS Stars. As the principal of North, I am proud of all of the teachers and staff of NMS that come to work each day with a passion to teach your children all that they can. Our goal is provide your child with a safe and structured environment that encourages creative and innovative thinking through rigorous teaching & learning in the classroom. As an alumni of North Middle School, both as a student and teacher, my pride for this building and its' students runs deep! At North, we are focused on creating lessons that provide students with real-world learning and engagement to build their individual capacity to tackle life's challenges in both high school and beyond.

NMS is located at Eaton Crossroads in Lenoir City, TN.  We are one of nine schools that make up the Loudon County School District.  Our school has approximately 800 students in grades 5th-8th.  We hope you take a moment to browse our webpage and to also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  We are active with social media, and we love to share information and special events that showcase student learning at our school and beyond.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.  We look forward to working with you throughout the school year!  

Thank you!

Kayla Vaughn
Robert Amburn
Jessica Gerstenmaier